Monday, December 22, 2008

Shaykh Thanvi commiting shirk???

Shaykh Ashraf ali thanvi says
" ( O Pophet!) you are the one who reveals what is hidden in our heart".

Now this is clear that Shaykh Ashraf ali thanvee al deobandi is attributing the knwoledge of unseen to prophet ! ( Hayatul Muslimeen,page 9 )
( how else will prophet come to know the secret of heart??)

Please recall , Imam e rabbani of the deobandis , Shaykh Rashid Gangohi said
"any one who says prophet was given the knowledge of the unseen , then he is in shirk"

( Fatwa Rashdiya)

If the fatwa of imam e rabbani of the deoabandis is correct , then shaykh Ashraf ali thanvee commiited shirk!

2. Shaykh Ashraf ali thnavee further writes
" (O prophet) you are the one who provides relief from difficulty to those in need "

Is it not clear that Shaykh Ashraf ali thanvi is calling prophet as Mushkil Kusha.?
( remover of difficulty)

The "shahid" of the deobandis Ismail Dehalvi who killed innocent sunni muslims , wrote in his tafwiyatul iman
" if any one considers besides Allah to provide relief ( from difficulty),then they are in shirk".

So now Shaykh Ashraf ali thanvi has commited shirk as per Ismail dehalvi.

3. Hakim Al Ummah of the deobandis , Shaykh Ashraf ali thanvi writes
" ( O prophet! ) if you hide ( ghayab) or become absent then death will come and world will go into darkness"

Here Shaykh Ashraf ali thanvee is accepting prophet to be " Hazir and Nazir"!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The last will of Shaykh Thanvi! !

The" hakimul Ummah" of the Deobandis loved money through out his life!

He said " if I had Rupees 10,000 , I would have distributed among the people and they would have automatically become wahabis !
[ scan provided earlier in blog ]

But what was the last will of shaykh Thanvi?

Read it , from his biogrpahy

Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanvi says :
" Take care of (first)wife after I am dead.Twenty people should contribute Rupee one each and should give it to my wife after I am dead...

And this humable man ( haqeer) married another woman in last Ramadhan in 1334 AH , so take care of her also after my death. Try to arrange Twenty Rupees monthly for her , or even Rupees Ten will do. You can also distribute Rupees fifteen monthly to my both wife after my death!

So this was the state of Shaykh Ashraf Ali thanvi who said in his book Hifzul iman
" The knowledge which prophet had , that type ( aysa) of knowledge is also possessed by lunatics, any tom and harry , child or any four legged animal"

For his filthy comment, showing disrespect to propjet , thirty three scholars of Makkah and Medina and two hundred and sixty eight scholars from Indian sub continet issued fatwa of Kufr on him.

Monthly allotment of Shaykh Tahnvi !

The Deobandi sect was divided into two political group before 1947. The first group was led by Shaykh Hussein Tandvi who was a blind follower of Gandhiji. He used to wear cotton ( khaddar) clothes and issued a verdict that all the deceased should be wrapped in cotton sheet only! This was his love for Gandhiji who was propogating the use of cotton clothes. This group was called Congress.

The other group was led by Shaykh Shabbir Ahmed , who was against Shaykh Hussein Tandvi. This group was supporting Muslim league.

Both the groups wanted to take control of Deoband. Many times they engaged in verbal fights and correspondece.

In one such reply , which is mentioned in their own document , MUKALAMUTUSSADARIAN , PAGE 10-11 , it is mentioned
" Mawlana Shabbir Ahmed Al Deobandi, president Jmaitaul Islam Calcutta, wrote in refutation to Mawlana Hifzur rehman , that Mawlana Ashraf Ali sahab , was a respected figure for both the groups. About him . many people have told that he used to take RUPEES SIX HUNDRED MONTHELY FROM ( BRITISH) GOVERNMENT'