Friday, April 25, 2008

Nashrut Teeb-3

Second Chapter
His fadaail being evident to the earlier nations

First narration

Haakim in his sahih narrates that Syeduna Adam saw the blessed name of Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam scribed upon the Arsh and Allah Ta’aala said to him ‘Had Muhammad not existed I would not have created you’
Benefit: His fadeelah was apparent before Adam.

Second narration

It is narrated from Umar ibn Khattaab that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said
‘When Adam made the mistake8 he pleaded (in the court of Allah) ‘Oh my Lord, I request You through Muhammad that You forgive me’ Allah asked ‘Oh Adam, how did you know of Muhammad?’ He explained ‘Oh my Lord, I know him because when you created me with Your Hand and blew the soul into me I raised my head and saw (the Kalima) Laa ilaaha illallahu Muhammad ur Rasoolullah scribed on the wheel of the Arsh. Thus I came to know that You would only have put Your name next to the one who was the most beloved to You of all creation’. Allah said ‘Oh Adam, you are truthful, he is in fact the most beloved to me of all the creation and when you requested me in his name I forgave you and if it wasn’t for Muhammad I would not have even created you’.
This was narrated by Bayhaqi in his Dalaail and by Haakim who denoted it Sahih. Tibraani has also mentioned this and added that Allah said ‘And from your children he will be the last of all the Prophets’
Benefit: One should understand the same benefit as before.
8 By going near the tree.

Third narration

Ibn ul Jowzi in his book ‘Salwa ‘ul Ahzan’ mentions
‘When Adam wished to approach Syeda Hawa she asked for Mahr9. Syeduna Adam supplicated to Allah ‘Oh Lord, what (Mahr) can I give her?’ He replied ‘Oh Adam, send 20 Durood10 upon my beloved Muhammad bin Abdullah’. So he did so.

Fourth narration

Ahmad, Bazaar, Tibraani, Haakim and Bayhaqi narrate from Arbaadh bin Saariya that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said (A lengthy hadith, the first part of which is mentioned as the second narration in Chapter 1 and this is the middle part)
‘I am (the fulfillment of) the dua of my father Ibraheem and the good news of Isa.’
Benefit:: This points to the subject of two verses.

Fifth Narration

From Bukhaari the narration of Abdullah bin Amr bin AlAas is mentioned in Mishkaat that states that the following attribute is mentioned in the Tawraat
‘O Prophet, we have sent you as a witness to the condition of the Ummah; as a giver of good news and as a forewarner and protector of the Ummi Nation (This refers to the ummah of Muhammad for the Prophet himself said that we are an Ummi Nation) You are My servant and My Prophet. I have named you Mutawakil, you are neither bad mannered nor hardhearted, you are not one who makes noise in marketplaces, nor do you respond to bad with bad but instead forgive and Allah Ta’aala will not give you death until through your barakah the wayward, that is kufr, is corrected, i.e. changed to Imaan such that the people
9 Compulsory gift from the husband to the wife at or after the time of marriage.
10 Prayer for blessings to be bestowed upon the Prophet
begin to recite the kalima, and until the barakah of this kalima gives sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf and softness to stone hearts’ (This means that you will not be given death until your deen has spread far and wide)

Sixth narration

Syeduna Kaab quotes from the Tawraat, narrated in Masaabeeh and Daarimi, and quoted in Mishkaat
‘Muhammad Rasoolullah is my preferred servant, he does not respond to evil with evil but forgives and pardons. Makkah is his place of birth, Madeenah his place of migration and Syria the hub of his Sultanate.’
Consequently after the Khulafa ur Raashideen the wheels of the sultanate remained in Syria and the great propagation of Islam was from there.

Seventh narration

The narration of Abdullah bin Salaama in Tirmidhi is mentioned in Mishkaat
‘A Naat (eulogy) of Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam is recorded in the Tawrah and it is also scribed that Isa will be buried next to him.’
Benefit: The narrators of the last three ahadith are all scholars of the earlier books. The (narrators of the) first and last (hadith) are companions whilst the middle one is a Taabi’ee. There are also some Quranic verses of the same meaning.

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