Friday, April 25, 2008

Nashrut Teeb

Twenty Ninth Chapter

Some of his specific virtues that will be apparent on the plains of Qiyaamah44

First narration

Syeduna Abu Hurayra narrates that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said
‘On the day of Qiyaamah I will be the chief of the children of Adam (i.e. all humans). I will be the first of them whose grave will be opened (i.e. I will be the first to rise from the grave and from all the intercessors will be) the first to intercede and the first whose intercession will be accepted’. This is narrated by Muslim.

Second narration

Syeduna Anas narrates that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said
‘I will be greater than all the other prophets in the sense that on the day of Qiyaamah I will have more followers, and I will be the very first to knock on the door of paradise’. This is narrated by Muslim.

Third narration

The Prophet said (on the day of Qiyaamah)
‘I will be upon the Buraaq45 and on that day, of all the Prophets, this will be specific to me’.

Fourth narration

A hadith is narrated by Syeduna Jaabir in which the Prophet’s Khasaais (particularities) are mentioned and includes the Prophet’s statement
‘I have been given the (greater) intercession’ (Which will be for the whole universe and only he will have it).
44 Qiyaamah refers to the day/hour when judgement day will be established.
45 An animal smaller than a horse made from light and/or travels at the speed of light.

Fifth narration

From Syeduna Abu Saeed is the Prophet’s statement about his Khasaais (particularities)
‘The flag of Hamd will be in my hand (on the day of Qiyaamah) and I do not say this through pride. All the Prophets, even Adam and the others, will be under this flag of mine’. This is narrated by Tirmidhi

Sixth narration

It is narrated from Syeduna Jaabir that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said
‘When people will be lying idle I will be the first to rise from the grave; when all will be presented before Allah I will be the first to go forward and when all will be silent I will speak (to intercede) for them. When they will be sentenced they will all request me to intercede and when they will all be in despair I will be the giver of good news. On that day the keys of karaamah (and good) will be in my hand and on that day the flag of hamd will be in my hand and I will be the most respected to Allah of all the children of Adam. One thousand servants (for my honour and service) will be around me (and will be as elegant) as scattered pearls. Narrated by Tirmidhi and Daarimi.

Seventh narration

Abu Hurayra narrates that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said
‘(After the splitting of the earth) I will be given to wear a dress from the attire of paradise and I will stand to the right of the Arsh and no one from the creation but I will be able to stand in that position’. Tirmidhi narrated this.
Benefit: It is in Lu’maat that it is most likely that this position is the Maqaam ul Mahmood. It is narrated from Ibn Masud and Mujaahid ‘I will be sat upon the Arsh’ and it is in Tafseer Ibn Abbaas that he will be sat upon the Kursi (chair).

Eighth narration

In a long hadith narrated by Abu Hurayra the Prophet said The Bridge of Siraat will be constructed through the centre of Hell and I will be the first from all the Prophets to lead his ummah across it.’ Narrated by Bukhaari and Muslim

Ninth narration

It is narrated from Syeduna Samra that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said
‘Each Prophet will have a fountain and all will take pride in the number of people around it and I expect the greatest number of people to come to my fountain (because my Ummah will be the most numerous).’ This is narrated by Tirmidhi
Benefit:: This proves his fountain will be the most populated and this is one of his Khasaais.

Thirty First Chapter
in his being the greatest of all creation

This matter is so unequivocal and necessarily accepted that it needs no evidencing but some narrations are presented here for Tabarruk46

First narration

Ibn Abbaas narrates that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said
‘I am the most respected to Allah Ta’aala of all the earlier and latter people.’ This is narrated by Tirmidhi and Daarimi.

Second narration Anas narrates

‘On the night of the Miraaj the Buraaq was presented before the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam and as he sallallaahu alaihi wasallam mounted it the Buraaq became playful and Jibril said ‘You behave like this with Muhammad! No one more honoured near Allah than him has mounted you’. (In shame) the Buraaq began to sweat profusely.’ This is as in Sunan Tirmidhi

Third narration

Imam Ahmad narrates from Ibn Abbaas
‘When (on the night of the Miraaj) the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam arrived at Bait ul Muqaddas47 and stood to pray all the Prophets prayed with him (as followers as narrated in Muslim from Ibn Masud) and in the narration of Abu Saeed it is that on entering Bait ul Muqaddas he sallallaahu alaihi wasallam prayed with the Angels (the Angels were also Muqtadee). He then greeted the Arwaah (souls) of the Prophets and each one, after the Praise of Allah, mentioned his own virtues. When it was the turn of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam to deliver his sermon he mentioned his being Rahmatul il Aalameen48 and Ma’booth illal Khalqi Kaafa49; his Ummah being the best and middle nation and him being Khaatam un Nabiyyeen50, Ibraheem alaihi salaam then (after hearing this) addressed all the Prophets ‘It is because of these virtues that Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam is more Afdhal than all of you’. This statement of Ibraheem alaihi salaam is also narrated by Bazaar and Haakim from Abu Hurayra.

46 To attain barakah
47 In Al Quds (Jerusalem)

48 Mercy for the whole universe
49 Being sent to the whole of the creation
50 The seal of the Prophets i.e. the final Prophet.

Fourth narration

Ibn Abbaas said that Allah Ta’aala gave Muhammad fadeelah over the Prophets and over those of the skies (angels) and then he proved this from the Quran. This is narrated by Daarimi.

Fifth narration

Anas narrates (in a lengthy hadith)
‘Allah Ta’aala ordered Musa alaihi salaam to inform the Bani Israil ‘Whoever meets Me as a rejector of Ahmad I will put him into Hell, no matter who he may be’. Musa alaihi salaam asked who Ahmad was and was informed ‘Oh Musa, I swear by My Honour and Majesty I have not created anything more respected to me than him. I wrote his name next to mine on the Arsh two million years before creating the Heavens, Earth, Sun and Moon. I swear by My Honour and Majesty that Jannah is forbidden for all the creation until I have entered Muhammad and his Ummah into it’ (Then in the fadhaail of the Ummah it is that) Musa alaihi salaam pleaded ‘O Lord make me a prophet of that nation’ Allah explained ‘It’s prophet will be from it’ He then pleaded ‘Make me from that Ummah (a follower of Muhammad)’ He was told ‘You are before and they will come after, however I will join you and them in the Daar ul Jalaal (Jannah)’. This is narrated in Hilya.

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